Get Involved

Lots of great ideas for Academy activities are spawned by members during committee discussions and brainstorming.  You can make Academy programs even better by sharing your thoughts and ideas through participation in any of the following committees.

Contact us at academy@correctionalhealth.org and let us know which committee(s) can benefit from your involvement.


Think of new and creative ways of recruiting and retaining Academy members, so many more of our colleagues can have the chance to grow professionally and continue to improve their skills and abilities.


Help establish and maintain a network of experienced correctional health professionals whom new members can seek out for professional advice and support.  Find out more.


Identify the most important educational needs of correctional health professionals and recommend their incorporation into conferences and publications of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, the Academy’s partner in professional education.


Develop and implement strategies to increase awareness of the Academy and its valuable activities so many more correctional health professionals can gain access to the organization’s valuable resources.  

Technology/Social Media 

Devise strategies to develop and maintain an Academy presence in the world of social media so members can keep in contact with each other and can be engaged even if they are not able to attend professional meetings.


Provide support and direction with Academy Board elections and other special elections as needed.

Finance Committee

Help ensure sound fiscal management of the Academy, so the organization can continue to provide the highest quality services to the correctional health community.

Committees generally meet by teleconference at times they select. They may also meet face-to-face at the Annual Conference in the fall.

Additional Opportunities

  • Volunteer as a mentor and help your peers advance in their careers.
  • Volunteer at the Academy exhibit booth at any of the NCCHC conferences, sharing information with colleagues about the organization’s activities and services.
  • Volunteer at the registration table at an Academy event, ensuring efficient sign-in of attendees.

Contact us at academy@correctionalhealth.org to volunteer, and to help the Academy maintain a high level of service to its members and to the profession.